Panduan Wisata Ke Bintan - Pastikan Anda Membacanya



*Artikel ini akurat pada saat ditulis tetapi dapat mengalami perubahan karena keterbatasan jalur perjalanan saat ini antara Singapura dan Bintan atau di dalam Indonesia.


Table Of Contents:

1. Mengenal Bintan Lebih Dekat

2. Transportasi Menuju Bintan

3. Jelajahi Bintan

4. Makanan Yang Wajib Dicicipi di Bintan

5. Wisata Kuliner di Bintan

6. Tempat Bersejarah di Bintan

7. Wisata Alam di Bintan

8. Most Beautiful and Great Beaches in Bintan

9. Wisata Air Crystal Lagoon

10. Resort Baru di Bintan

11. Apa Yang Bisa dilakukan di Treasure Bay

12. Instagrammable Resort di Bintan

13. Beristrirahat di Glamping Resort

14. Perjalanan Ke Bintan Dari Singapura

15. Perjalanan Ke Bintan dari Jakarta

1. Mengenal Bintan Lebih Dekatknowing bintan at its heart

Currently, Bintan is well-known for its luxurious resorts and shining beaches. But do you know about the island’s profound history? Well, let us take you on a trip down memory lane.

Bintan sebagai Pelabuhan Perdagangan yang Maju

Many centuries ago, Bintan was famous as a trading center in Asia. It was a site where traders from all over the world, particularly China, the Middle East, and India, gathered and conducted their businesses. Traders from Indonesia bought spices from other islands while foreign traders, such as the Chinese, brought tea, porcelain, and silk to Bintan. Due to its strategic location, Bintan became one of the busiest trading routes for local and foreign traders.

Karena letaknya yang strategis, Bintan menjadi salah satu jalur perdagangan paling banyak dikunjungi oleh para pedagang lokal dan asing. Hal ini terjadi pada abad ke-14 dimana Bintan dan Temasek (Singapura), sebagaimana tercatat dalam catatan maritim Tiongkok, merupakan salah satu pulau di kepulauan Riau yang dihuni oleh bajak laut Melayu.

Tak lama kemudian para pedagang asing terpana dengan pesona Bintan. Terletak di dekat Khatulistiwa, Bintan menikmati iklim tropis sepanjang tahun. Perpaduan sempurna antara perairan biru kehijauan yang hangat di Laut Cina Selatan dan pantai berpasir putih yang berkilauan, Bintan adalah impian bagi pedagang dan penduduk. Banyak pedagang yang akhirnya memutuskan untuk menetap di Bintan dan menikah dengan penduduk setempat. Begitulah Riau dan Bintan menjadi rumah bagi perantau Melayu dan laut serta pendatang dari China, India, dan Timur Tengah. Sejarah Bintan merupakan produk asimilasi budaya di antara orang-orang ini. Signifikansi keindahan alam dan keragaman budaya Bintan adalah alasan wisatawan yang tak terhitung jumlahnya tertarik ke surga di Bumi ini.

Perjuangan untuk Menguasai Bintan

Letak Bintan yang strategis awalnya diperebutkan oleh banyak pihak. Bintan pernah menjadi bagian dari “segitiga perang” antara Portugis, Kesultanan Johor, dan orang Aceh di Sumatera utara. Bintan menyaksikan banyak penguasa tumbuh dan merosot dari kekuasaannya. Sebagian besar dari mereka mencoba untuk menguasai wilayah tersebut karena Bintan adalah tempat penting bagi para pedagang.

Before gaining its independence, Bintan was occupied by Indonesia’s three colonizers: the British, the Dutch, and the Japanese. In the 18th century, Bintan was occupied by the English East India Company as a suitable port for maritime trading. In 1911, Bintan became a Dutch colony. When the Japanese entered the region in 1942, Bintan was occupied by them. It was only after Indonesia gained independence in 1945 that Bintan became part of the Riau province.

Bintan sebagai Pusat Pariwisata

Located only one hour away from Singapore by ferry, the Indonesian government was very ambitious to transform Bintan into a major tourist destination in the western part of Indonesia. In the 1990s, cash flowed into Bintan, which was very beneficial since Bintan needed foreign investment for its economic development.

Since then, numerous resort developers and companies flooded onto the island which resulted in luxurious resorts and recreational spots on the island. Though Bintan has experienced plenty of ups and downs during its development, the island now boasts of international-standard high-end resorts and recreational facilities, one of which is the Crystal Lagoon, the largest seawater lagoon in Asia.

Perekonomian Bintan saat ini sangat bergantung pada pariwisata. Mengingat kedekatannya dengan hub regional seperti Singapura, Jakarta, dan Johor Bahru, tidak mengherankan jika Bintan mendapatkan popularitasnya sebagai tujuan wisata internasional utama dalam sekejap. Wisatawan, baik lokal maupun internasional, tertarik pada keindahan alam pulau serta sejarah dan warisan budayanya.

Jelajahi Bintan dan Dapatkan Pengalaman Baru

Whether it is to visit the beautiful beaches of Bintan Island such as Trikora Beach and Lagoi Beach, or to tuck into the delicacies that Bintan has to offer, there is a lot more to this sunny island than meets the eye.


Pantai dan Resor

If you are craving for a short getaway within Indonesia that offers scenic landscapes and great hospitality, Bintan is the right choice for you. As an island in the Riau archipelago of Indonesia, Bintan Island is only an hour’s ferry ride away from Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal in Singapore which makes it a popular travel destination amongst Singaporeans.

Bintan Island is home to many world-class resorts, each with its distinct character. People often flock to Bintan seeking respite from a hectic everyday life and a much-needed retreat to paradise is exactly what tourists will experience on this island. Aside from basking on sun lounge chairs by the pool in the resort of your choice, visitors may also explore beyond the resort to experience all the beauty and adventure that Bintan has to offer.

One particularly fascinating aspect of Bintan is its beaches. There is a wide range of public beaches on Bintan Island such as Trikora Beach, White Sands Islands, Lagoi Beach, and Hamid Beach. Each offers its unique charms, with Trikora Beach perfect for snorkeling due to its crystal-clear waters, and with the spotless trail of white sand at the White Sands Islands, it is ideal for strolls and picnicking on the beach.

Scattered along the coast of Lagoi Beach are restaurants and bars so those looking to dig into a hearty meal after a day of fun-filled water activities would enjoy Lagoi Beach immensely. Situated on the eastern coast of Bintan Island, is a lesser-known beach, the Hamid Beach which is more frequently visited by locals than tourists. However, that is not to say that it is any less beautiful than the other beaches on the island! Hamid Beach boasts a tranquil ambiance, a perfect getaway for tourists who would like to spend a serene day relaxing by the beach.


Bersantai di Pantai

Salah satu aspek yang sangat menarik dari Bintan adalah pantai-pantainya yang eksotis. Ada berbagai macam pantai di Bintan, termasuk Pantai Trikora, White Sands Islands, Pantai Lagoi, dan Pantai Hamid. Masing-masing menawarkan karakteristik unik dan pesona yang menghipnotis. Jika Anda berencana berjemur di bawah terik matahari atau snorkeling, Trikora akan menjadi pilihan yang sempurna karena lebih populer di kalangan penduduk setempat. Jika Anda mendambakan sesuatu yang sedikit lebih eksklusif, nikmati jejak pasir putih bersih di White Sands Islands yang berjarak hanya 15 menit naik perahu dari Trikora. Berjalan-jalanlah di sepanjang tepi pantai atau berenang di perairan biru kehijauan yang berkilauan, menikmati potongan surga duniawi ini.

Esensi Rasa

From multi-hued kingfishers, silver leaf monkeys, and deer to sea turtles and dolphins, the rainforests, mangrove forests and the sea surrounding Bintan Island are home to a rich biodiversity of wildlife.

Hidangan khas Bintan lainnya yang harus dicoba adalah Gonggong yang merupakan siput laut yang direbus atau dikukus. Tekstur daging yang lembut, dicelupkan ke cabai manis, akan membuat Anda kewalahan. Persiapkan diri Anda untuk pengalaman kuliner otentik.

3. Masakan Khas Bintan Yang Wajib Dicicipi

what to eat in bintan when visiting

Apa satu hal yang Anda cari saat mengunjungi kota atau negara baru? Nah, beberapa bepergian untuk melihat-lihat pemandangan, beberapa mengunjungi toko-toko dan pasar, yang lain melakukan perjalanan untuk menikmati masakan luar biasa di negeri asing.

Wisata kuliner terus meningkat dalam dekade terakhir. Banyak orang mendefinisikan masakan sebagai semacam ekspresi artistik serta cerminan budaya dan nilai masyarakat suatu kota atau negara. Masakan dapat membuat Anda lebih menghargai tempat Anda menginjakkan kaki saat berlibur.

Dan Bintan bukan pengecualian Selain sebagai surganya bahari, Bintan juga kaya akan khasanah kuliner. Kelezatan kuliner di Pulau Bintan sangat dipengaruhi oleh budaya Melayu dan Tionghoa serta daerahnya yang dikelilingi oleh laut.


gonggong what to eat in bintan

Gonggong, which translates to sea snails in English, is probably one of the most famous delicacies in Bintan. It is a type of sea snail that is most commonly found in the waters around Bintan and can often be found on the menu at many restaurants on the island. They are typically boiled and served with a chili sauce dip.

Cara makan gonggong sangat sederhana. Ambil tusuk gigi, keluarkan daging dari cangkangnya, celupkan ke dalam sambal lalu makan. Rasa dan teksturnya agak mirip dengan cumi-cumi. Hidangan ini sangat unik dan wajib dicoba di Bintan. Gonggong juga dipercaya dapat meningkatkan vitalitas pria dewasa.

Otak-Otak Sotong

otak otak what to eat in bintan

Otak-otak, a grilled fish cake made of ground fish meat mixed with spices, red chili, and tapioca starch is a traditional snack that is widely found in Malaysia and Indonesia. On Bintan Island, cuttlefish, also known as sotong, is processed as a base for otak-otak, giving it a more interesting texture and flavor. When wrapped in fragrant banana leaves and slow-grilled over charcoal embers, otak-otak sotong packs an aromatic punch that we are sure culinary tourists will appreciate.

Asam Pedas Sembilang

asam pedas sembilang in bintan

Asam Pedas Sembilang which roughly translates to sour and spicy fish is a classic Malay dish. It is tangy, fiery, and delicious. On Bintan Island, chefs put a local twist to this spicy-sour dish by using Sembilang fish which is sourced from the sea surrounding the island, instead of the traditional Spanish mackerel.

Penyajian menu kuliner Asam Pedas Sembilang cukup menggugah selera; penampilan ikan dengan kuah kuning kental yang kaya akan rempah-rempah terutama rasa asam dan pedas yang cukup memanjakan lidah kita. Asam Pedas Sembilang memiliki kandungan zat besi dan protein yang tinggi sehingga sangat sehat dan aman dikonsumsi oleh seluruh keluarga.

Mie Tarempamie tarempa in bintan

Tarempa noodles are one of the most famous noodle dishes from the Riau Islands. Originating from the coastal town of Tarempa in the Anambas Islands, Terempa noodles were so named after the village they came from. Made with flour and eggs and typically stir-fried in a concoction of oyster sauce, tomato sauce, sweet soy sauce, and soy sauce, Tarempa noodles are usually enjoyed with seafood like squid and shrimp.

The sweet and sour combination of the sauces pairs perfectly well with the chewy texture of the noodles for a delightful mouthfeel that makes this particular dish a favorite amongst not just locals, but tourists as well.

Mie Laksa

mie laksa what to eat in bintan

Laksa is a Peranakan soup dish that consists of noodles made from sago flour, making it a little chewy. These noodles are blanched before it is ladled over with a thick, full-bodied broth made from coconut milk, tamarind, shredded mackerel, and fragrant spices. For an extra kick of flavor, diners may choose to mix sambal into the soup. Fresh prawns and fishcakes are usually added as toppings to elevate this yummy dish.

4. Berwisata Kuliner ke Bintan? Pastikan Anda Mengunjungi Restoran Ini!

culinary trip on bintanCulinary tourism has increased significantly in Indonesia. Restaurants and small business owners are adapting to this trend by creating innovative dishes combined with a delectable restaurant ambiance to enhance customers’ overall dining experience. Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke, is rich in culture and each region has its special culinary dishes, including Bintan.

Bintan is not only home to magnificent,  beaches and high-end resorts, but also has various culinary dishes that will ignite your appetite. The island’s history and significance as a tourist destination leads to the creation of a vibrant food scene, ranging from seafood dishes to casual Indonesian cuisines.

Here, we have several restaurant recommendations that you can check out if you are planning to take a culinary trip to Bintan.

Kelong Seafood Restaurant

kelong seafood restaurant

Liburan ke Bintan akan penuh dengan menjajal aneka hidangan seafood. Dan di mana lagi bisa makan semua seafood selain di Kelong Seafood Restaurant?

Located on the Western Coast of Nirwana Gardens, the Kelong Seafood Restaurant is a floating restaurant that was named after the local fishermen’s stilt houses typical of the Riau Archipelago. The restaurant serves a fine combination of Chinese and Indonesian-style dishes and has a plethora of seafood caught fresh from the local waters that you may select from. One of the must-try on the menu is none other than Bintan’s most famous dish, gonggong (sea snail). At Kelong Seafood restaurant, this particular dish is boiled, seasoned, and best eaten when dipped into the sauce that comes with it. The black pepper crab is another dish that visitors have to try! Freshly caught and wok-fried in black pepper, this dish is full-flavored, peppery, and delicious.

Salah satu menu yang wajib dicoba adalah gonggong (siput laut) Bintan yang terkenal. Menawarkan pemandangan laut yang menakjubkan dan semilir angin laut, restoran ini sangat cocok untuk makan malam romantis dengan pasangan Anda.

Kelong Seafood Restaurant: Nirwana Gardens Resorts, Jalan Panglima Pantar, Sebong Lagoi, Teluk Sebong, Kabupaten Bintan, Kepulauan Riau 29152, Indonesia | Opening Hours: 11am – 10.30pm (Daily) | Tel: +62 770 692597

Pujasera Food Centrepujasera food center lagoi

This is a local food center located only about a 10-minute drive from the main ferry terminal or a 5-minute drive from The ANMON Resort Bintan. Here, you will find authentic local and Indonesian dishes that are both delicious and unbelievably friendly on the pocket! There are a variety of dishes to choose from, but a favorite amongst locals is the nasi padang from Lamak Basamo. This stall serves nasi padang (steamed rice served with pre-cooked dishes), in the traditional Hidang style, where a dozen dishes will be served and customers need only pay for what they have consumed.

If you are planning on having a feast with friends or family that promises a bang for your buck, visit the Pujasera Food Centre where you can enjoy tons of other local fares like mie goreng (stir-fried noodles) or nasi campur (mixed rice) that are loaded with tempe (fermented soybeans), veggies and rendang (meat dish).

Pujasera Food Centre: 582J+7GP, Sebong Lagoi, Teluk Sebong, Bintan Regency, Riau Islands 29152, Indonesia | Opening Hours: 8am – 10pm (Mon – Sat), 7.30am – 10pm (Sun) | Tel: +62 812-6131-9820

Warung Yeah!

warung yeah

Warung Yeah! terletak di dekat Plaza Lagoi dan Pantai Lagoi. Menawarkan makanan rumahan klasik Indonesia, seperti nasi goreng yang terkenal dan mie instan legendaris di Indonesia, Indomie. Warung Yeah! merupakan tempat nongkrong para wisatawan usai menghabiskan hari di Pantai Lagoi.

Their signature ayam bakar (grilled chicken) or tahu telor, an Indonesian tofu egg omelet, are some other must-try dishes at the restaurant. To slake your thirst after a day packed with activities and chomping on the delicacies at Warung Yeah!, gulp down their special Bintan Coco, a refreshing drink that comprises coconut water, creamy slices of coconut flesh, basil seeds, and lots of brown sugar syrup.

Warung Yeah!: Sebong Lagoi, Teluk Sebong, Sebong Lagoi, Teluk Sebong, Bintan Regency, Riau Islands, Indonesia | Opening Hours: 11am – 9pm (Mon – Fri), 10am – 10pm (Sat), 10am – 9pm (Sun) | Tel: +62 812-6625-0132

Casa Italia Pizzeriapizza casa italia

This place is run by an Italian family that fell in love with the charm of Bintan. Casa Italia Pizzeria serves up authentic, wood-fired Italian pizza with locally inspired flavors such as Pizza Telur (eggs), Pizza Cabe (chili) and Pizza Sarden (sardines). The best thing about this eatery is that the pizzas are all freshly baked upon order so they are guaranteed to be steaming hot when served.

Tidak hanya pizzanya yang otentik, tetapi harganya juga sangat murah! Setiap pizza haragnya hanya sekitar $6 atau Rp88.000. Anda dapat memilih topping dari berbagai macam rasa, termasuk sosis, ayam, jagung, dan jamur.

Casa Italia Pizzeria: 4JF2+RG3, Malang Rapat, Gunung Kijang, Bintan Regency, Riau Islands, Indonesia | Opening Hours: 10am – 5pm (Tues – Sun), 10pm – 12am (Mon)  | Tel: +62 812-2832-8711

The Compass Rosethe compass rose resataurant bintan

Complete your culinary trip to Bintan by visiting The Compass Rose. Located inside Bintan’s most famous glamping resort, The ANMON Resort Bintan, The Compass Rose serves a feast of local and fusion Mediterranean-inspired cuisine.compass rose restaurant

All menu items at The Compass Rose restaurant have been curated by experienced chefs so it is no wonder that they are exquisitely flavourful. The place offers a warm yet exclusive ambiance, perfect for those who yearn for a more intimate dining experience with their loved ones. When visiting Bintan, make sure to visit The Compass Rose at The ANMON Resort Bintan.

The Compass Rose: Kawasan Pariwisata Jalan Raja Haji Fisabililah No.88, Sebong Lagoi, Tlk. Sebong, Kabupaten Bintan, Kepulauan Riau 29155, Indonesia | Opening Hours: 12pm – 11pm (Sun – Thurs), 12pm – 12am (Fri – Sat)  | Tel: +62 770 691266

5. Tempat Bersejarah di Bintan Yang Wajib Dikunjungibest historical lanmarks in bintan

Dalam semangat Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia minggu ini, kami akan mengajak Anda menjelajahi tempat-tempat bersejarah paling terkenal di salah satu pulau paling eksotis di Indonesia: Bintan.

Terletak di lokasi yang sangat strategis, Bintan memiliki kekayaan sejarah dan beberapa tercermin dalam berbagai situs sejarah pulau itu. Riau sendiri telah menjadi rumah bagi orang Melayu dan Orang Laut selama berabad-abad. Riau juga telah menjadi surga bagi para migran dari Cina Selatan dan Indochina.

500 Lohan Templelohan temple is historical lanmarks in bintan

Nama aslinya adalah Vihara Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva dan salah satu permata tersembunyi terbaik di Bintan. Vihara ini terletak di Kijang, Bintan Selatan, yang hanya membutuhkan waktu singkat dengan berkendara dari Tanjung Pinang.

The main attraction at the 500 Lohan Temple is the 500 life-sized Lohan or stone statues with complex physiques and facial expressions. Each of the statues is unique and different from one another. Facing the 500 arhats (one who has gained insight into the true nature of existence and has achieved nirvana) are another three great bodhisattvas (enlightened beings who have put off entering paradise to help others attain enlightenment); Wen Shu Bodhisattva sitting on a lion, Puxian Bodhisattva sitting on an elephant and Guan Yin holding a willow.

500 Lohan Temple mungkin tidak mudah ditemukan, namun Anda tidak akan menyesali kunjungan Anda ke sana. Pengalaman pergi ke sana sangat berharga.

500 Lohan Temple: WG3Q+WX4, Batu 13, Kec. Tanjungpinang Tim., Kota Tanjung Pinang, Kepulauan Riau 29125, Indonesia

Vihara Avalokitesvara Graha

Vihara avalokitesvara is historical lanmarks in bintan

Vihara Buddha ini adalah vihara terbesar di seluruh Asia Tenggara. Berlokasi di Kota Tanjung Pinang, Vihara Avalokitesvara Graha merupakan bukti sejarah keberadaan komunitas Tionghoa di Tanjung Pinang selama berabad-abad.

The sacred temple was built by the Chinese community to serve as a place to deepen religious knowledge and a place of study for monks, sangha (the Buddhist community), and teachers both from local and foreign countries such as China, Singapore, and Malaysia.

Selain berfungsi sebagai tempat peribadahan, Vihara ini juga menjadi salah satu destinasi yang paling banyak dikunjungi wisatawan yang datang ke Bintan. Selain bangunan megah dan tamannya yang indah, patung Dewi Kuan Yin di dalam kuil juga menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi wisatawan.

Vihara Avalokitesvara Graha: pinamg, Tj. Unggat, Bukit Bestari, Kota Tanjung Pinang, Kepulauan Riau 29125, Indonesia

Banyan Tree Templebanyan tree temple is historical lanmarks in bintan

The Banyan Tree Temple is a Chinese shrine that functions as a place of worship for locals. The most fascinating feature of this temple is that ancient trees that have been around for hundreds of years entwine and grow around the building of the temple, cocooning it almost in a protective embrace. Because of its riveting display, many tourists from far and wide have traveled to the Banyan Tree Temple to gaze upon this marvel.

Based on the story written on the signpost, the tree has been around since 1811. Formerly, it was the residence of a Chinese captain, Chiao Ch’en. After the place was abandoned by the owner of the house, residents took the initiative to make a house of worship considering that there were many residents of Chinese descent on Bintan Island.

Banyan Tree Temple: Senggarang, Tanjungpinang City, Senggarang, Tanjungpinang Kota, Kota Tanjung Pinang, Kepulauan Riau 29115, Indonesia.

Mesjid Raya Sultan Riaumesjid raya penyengat is historical lanmarks in bintan

Located in Penyengat, Tanjung Pinang, Mesjid Raya Sultan Riau, or the Grand Mosque of the Sultan of Riau is eye-catching with its striking colors of royal yellow and green, making it the first thing that catches your eye as soon as you approach Pulau Penyengat.

Known as the “Jewel of the Island”, the mosque is a majestic structure comprising 13 domes and four minarets, making up to 17, which is the number of raka’ats (sections of prayer) a Muslim has to complete in one day.

Mesjid Raya Sultan Riau: WCHC+Q55, Penyengat, Tanjungpinang City, Tanjung Pinang City, Riau Islands 29114, Indonesia

6. Nature Attractions to Visit in Bintannature-attractions-in-bintan

Bintan is not only just about the beaches and high-end resorts or world-class golf courses, the island is abundant in greenery, natural sights, and breath-taking wonder that are no doubt, worth exploring.

Gurun Pasir Busunggurun pasir busung

Even though it seems impossible to find a desert in Bintan, a tropical island, Bintan once again mesmerizes us with its charming and unexpected beauty.

Gurun Pasir Busung was once a sand excavation site, but when it became prohibited to mine sand, the project was abandoned, and the area was left untouched. The passage of time, together with exposure to the elements, resulted in the area being transformed into a desert landscape with gentle slopes of rolling dunes in varying hues of brown.

It exudes a mysterious and picturesque vibe that transports you away from balmy, tropical Bintan to the middle of an Arabian dream. Be sure to bring along with you your camera to immortalize the moment with loved ones. After all, with such a stunning backdrop, Gurun Pasir Busung would make for an Instagram-worthy shot.

Gurun Pasir Busung: Jl. Raya Busung, Busung, Seri Kuala Lobam, Kabupaten Bintan, Kepulauan Riau 29152, Indonesia | Opening Hours: 7am – 6pm (Mon – Sun) | Tel: +62 823-9119-9163

Gunung Bintan

mount bintan

Gunung Bintan bisa dibilang salah satu harta karun pulau yang paling menarik. Gunung itu tingginya 340 meter. Mendaki Gunung Bintan relatif mudah karena memiliki jalur yang ditandai dengan baik dan dapat diakses dengan mudah. Ini adalah tempat yang tepat untuk mencoba mendaki gunung jika Anda mencoba untuk pemacu adrenalin.

While hiking Mount Bintan, you will find yourself surrounded by a beautiful rainforest. You might even spot some rare wild animals along the way such as monkeys, deer, and tropical birds! If you are looking for an adrenaline rush, climbing Mount Bintan would be something up your alley.

Mount Bintan: 3FF3+5MH, Bintan Buyu, Teluk Bintan, Bintan Regency, Riau Islands, Indonesia

Danau Biru Kawaldanau kawal biru bintan

Meski Bintan penuh dengan air laut berwarna biru kristal, mengunjungi Danau Biru akan tetap membuat Anda takjub. Danau ini memiliki perairan biru yang menakjubkan yang dikelilingi bukit pasir putih. Kontras warnanya saja sudah memukau dan menakjubkan.

A surprising fact: even though Danau Biru Kawal might seem like a natural oasis, you may be amazed to learn that it was created as a result of mining activity in the region. It was once just a large crater in an abandoned mining site that’s filled with rainwater over time. The area is quite secluded so you might find it peaceful coming here.

Danau Biru Kawal: XJF7+53X, Gunung Kijang, Bintan Regency, Riau Islands 29151, Indonesia | Opening Hours: Open Daily 24/7

Hutan Bakau



bintan mangrove

Hutan Mangrove Bintan terletak di Sungai Sebong, Lagoi. Mulailah petualangan kembali ke alam saat Anda berayun di sepanjang hutan bakau yang lebat. Saksikan langsung alam Bintan yang subur dan hutan hujan hijau yang teduh.

Sungai ini merupakan rumah bagi beragam flora dan fauna asli serta satwa liar seperti ular, monyet, kingfishers, dan bahkan berang-berang. Untuk pengalaman yang luar biasa, jelajahi hutan di malam hari karena rasanya lebih tenang dan damai dan Anda bisa melihat air berkilau di bawah sinar bulan yang indah.

Bintan Mangrove: Pertokoan Pujasera, Sebong Lagoi, Tlk. Sebong, Kabupaten Bintan, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia | Opening Hours: 9am – 8pm (Mon – Sun) | Tel: +62 857-6294-2850

The Banyan Tree Temple

bayan tree temple

Bersiaplah untuk merasa takjub saat mengunjungi The Banyan Tree Temple. Ini adalah candi yang dililit oleh akar dan cabang dari pohon beringin besar yang katanya berumur sekitar 200 tahun. Banyak cerita tentang asal muasal situs yang saat ini menjadi magnet bagi banyak pengunjung Bintan.

Terletak di Desa Senggarang dan sekarang berfungsi sebagai tempat suci desa. Saksikan kekuatan Ibu Pertiwi di The Banyan Tree Temple yang kini menjadi subjek fotografi yang menarik.

The Banyan Tree Temple: Senggarang, Tanjungpinang City, Senggarang, Tanjungpinang Kota, Kota Tanjung Pinang, Kepulauan Riau 29115, Indonesia

7. Most Beautiful and Great Beaches in Bintan


As part of the Riau Archipelago in Indonesia, Bintan Island is fringed by sublime beaches and the wide, open sea with its thriving underwater wildlife. Not only that, but as you delve further inland, lush greenery, tropical rainforests, and stunning mangrove forests teeming with flora and fauna await you.

Bintan adalah pulau indah yang terletak sebagai bagian dari Kepulauan Riau di Indonesia. Kedekatannya dengan Singapura membuatnya terkenal di kalangan wisatawan internasional. Bintan adalah pilihan tepat untuk liburan pantai. Mereka yang mencari petualangan di air atau berjemur santai di atas pasir, Bintan adalah tempatnya.

Get your sunscreen and diving gear ready as we share some of the most beautiful beaches on Bintan Island that you can visit!

Pantai Trikora

trikora beach bintan

Pristine and picture-perfect, Trikora Beach is one of the most popular beaches in Bintan among tourists and locals. It is located in the Lagoi region and about 45 kilometers east of Tanjungpinang city, making it relatively easy to reach.

Trikora Beach’s unique charms lie in its dazzling white shores and aquamarine waters, a tranquil and peaceful respite. Here, sunbathe on the warm sandy beach, play a game of volleyball, or even snorkel in the crystalline waters!

Trikora Beach: Trikora Beach, trikora, Kawal, Gn. Kijang, Kabupaten Bintan, Kepulauan Riau 29151, Indonesia

Pulau Beralas Pasirwhite sands island bintan

Situated a mere 15-minute ferry ride from Trikora Beach, White Sands Island (locally known as Pulau Beralas Pasir) is a private island named for its gleaming white sands and jewel-toned seas.

On this private island, guests will get to enjoy a myriad of exclusive activities such as beach volleyball, snorkeling, kayaking, and diving. There are also resorts and villas on the island to house guests.

White Sand Island: White Sands Island, Jln. Wisata Bahari, Trikora km. 38, 29151 Tanjungpinang, Indonesia

Pantai Lagoilagoi beach

Lagoi Beach is located in the subdistrict at the northern tip of Bintan Island. Its majestic beach view rivals that of the ones in Bali or Lombok with an unblocked view of the horizon from which one can admire the rising and setting of the sun. Tourists can enjoy outdoor activities such as sunbathing, swimming, snorkeling, diving or simply walking along the coastline.

Wisatawan juga dapat menemukan makanan lokal terdekat yang menjual makanan laut dan makanan tradisional Indonesia. Rasakan kehidupan pantai di Pantai Lagoi yang akan membawa Anda ke surga tropis.

Lagoi Beach: Sebong Lagoi, Teluk Sebong, Sebong Lagoi, Tlk. Sebong, Kabupaten Bintan, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia

Pantai Hamid

hamid beach bintan

If you are looking for a quiet beachside getaway on Bintan Island, why not check out Hamid Beach? Located on the north-western coast of Bintan, Hamid Beach sees fewer beach-goers than any of the other beaches on the island, making it the ideal spot for some serene downtime away from the buzz of a crowd. Its clear waters are perfect for swimming and snorkeling in and we reckon that the best time to visit is just before sunset when you will be rewarded with a mesmerising, panoramic sunset view.

Pantai Hamid relatif lebih sepi dibandingkan pantai lain di Bintan, jadi sangat cocok untuk liburan yang tenang bersama orang yang Anda cintai. Waktu terbaik untuk berkunjung? Tepat sebelum matahari terbenam! Anda akan menikmati pemandangan matahari terbenam yang memukau pada kunjungan Anda.

Pantai SekeraSekera Beach bintan

Another lesser-known beach on Bintan Island is the Sekera Beach. This beach features long stretches of shallow water which is great for a swim and even kayaking. Spending a day at this quiet spot also means being away from other tourists and locals for a relaxing escapade by the beach. With plenty of benches, playgrounds, and restaurants dotting the area, visitors may also enjoy a picnic with family and loved ones amidst a beautiful ocean backdrop.

Sekera Beach: Pantai Sekera Bintan, Riau Islands, Indonesia

8. Main Air di Crystal Lagoon, Permata Paling Berharga di Bintan

Splashing’ Water at Crystal Lagoon

No visit to Bintan is complete without a trip to Treasure Bay Bintan! As a waterfront resort city, Treasure Bay spans a whopping 338 hectares. Together with the plentiful beaches and proximity to Singapore, this ambitious project was planned to hold many attractions for international tourists from oceans and even continents away, as well as those from nearby regions.

Treasure Bay Bintan is intended to have many “first in Asia” projects, including the first largest seawater lagoon, the Crystal Lagoon. The visually stunning Crystal Lagoon, with its clear blue waters, is a state-of-the-art recreational lagoon that can host an extensive range of sporting activities such as kayaking, swimming, and wakeboarding. Such diverse activities would be suitable for people of all ages.

Apa yang menarik wisatawan ke Crystal Lagoon?

Area yang Luas

masive area crystal lagoon

White sands and crystal-clear waters, the Crystal Lagoon Bintan stretches 6.3 hectares and is a wonder to behold. The lagoon features calm seawater which has gone through a filtering process to provide perfect water conditions all year long. With a measurement of 800 meters from one end to another, the surface area of Crystal Lagoon is equivalent to 50 Olympic-size swimming pools. With such an expansive area, recreational and water sports activities can be comfortably accommodated at the Crystal Lagoon to entertain guests.

Ramah Lingkungan

susaunable crystal lagoon

Crystal Lagoon Bintan was constructed with a patented eco-friendly technology that is sustainable and safe for the environment. This technology has enabled limited resources such as water and energy, to be used more efficiently, allowing for a more sustainable operation of the lagoon. It only consumes a mere 2% of the energy required by other conventional filtration pools! By employing the use of such state-of-the-art technology, Crystal Lagoon maintains its stunning turquoise waters all year round to offer an incredibly beautiful beach view for visitors.

Various Fun Water Activities

water activity crystal lagoon

Love water sports and having a fun time out in the sun? The 6.3-hectare Crystal Lagoon Bintan was specifically designed to accommodate a multitude of water activities such as kayaking, sailing, snorkeling, wakeboarding and so much more.

For the thrill-seeker, the Jetovator, a flying water sport activity, is a must-try. In this exciting activity, be propelled into the air by powerful jets of water and fly across the lagoon. Kayaks can also be rented for the avid kayaker. For first-timers looking to pick up a new sport, the Crystal Lagoon, with its calm waters, would be the perfect spot to acquaint yourself with kayaking. If you are looking to simply relax or sunbathe, there are floats in the shape of unicorns and doughnuts around the lagoon that you can hop on as well.

Cocok Untuk Keluarga

for family

If you are bringing children, there is a floating playground that offers endless adventures for the little ones. With experienced staff stationed around the lagoon to make sure that children are playing safely, parents may have peace of mind. Not only that, but the gorgeous turquoise hue of the sparkling waters at Crystal Lagoon Bintan is also a perfect backdrop for capturing special moments for your photobook or Instagram.

Surrounded by World Class Resorts

As the icing on the cake, the area around Crystal Lagoon Bintan is surrounded by accommodation for tourists. After reveling in fun water sports activities or dipping your toes in the lagoon, head back to your resort which is just steps away.

Hungry after a swim? You will be happy to discover that there is a good deal of restaurants with myriad cuisines surrounding the lagoon such as The Compass Rose, Patio, and others.

9. The ANMON Resort Bintan, a Resort You Don’t Want to Missanmon-new-resort-in-bintan

If you have been looking to plan a getaway with friends and family, The ANMON Resort Bintan may just be the holiday destination to check off your bucket list.

This resort in Bintan is situated within Treasure Bay, an emerging tourism hub, and just steps away from the Crystal Lagoon. It is a desert-themed glamping resort that will take you away from the mundanities of real life and into a desert adventure. This self-contained resort features 100 deluxe teepee-style glamping tents, every 45 square meters in size with a towering 8-metre high ceiling, and all equipped with private en-suite bathrooms, air-conditioning, and enclosed patios.


Guests of The ANMON Resort Bintan will have their first experience with the resort in a spacious lobby with décor inspired by the burnished sands of the desert, comfy deep sofas, and lounge chairs. Not only has the area been designed to offer guests the best check-in experience possible, but the open space also inspires meaningful conversations among staff and guests.


While exploring the property, guests will find that all of the structures at the resort follow a common color scheme of natural wood, pale white, beige, and leafy green to mimic a desert landscape, the perfect, Instagram-worthy backdrop for shutterbugs.


Aside from the welcoming lobby and cozy teepee-style lodgings, The ANMON Resort Bintan also has food and beverage establishments on its premises. Their signature dining establishment, The Compass Rose restaurant, offers a variety of local and fusion Mediterranean-inspired cuisines whipped up by highly talented chefs. Just across the lobby is the Tipi Bar where guests can also enjoy spending the evening sipping on cocktails and dancing away to party tunes. Most notable is the Tipi Bar’s vast selection of unique cocktails curated by award-winning mixologists.


In the development of eco-tourism, The ANMON Resort Bintan is also making conscious efforts to make positive contributions to the environment. To ensure that minimal plastic is being used, teepee tents at the resort are furnished with sustainable bathroom amenities that come in recyclable bottles. Every room also has a skylight fixture that illuminates the space with natural light during the day to conserve electricity. On top of that, the resort’s open concept dramatically cuts down the use of electricity. In a bid to keep the ecosystems of the area intact, The ANMON Resort Bintan was specially designed by developers to integrate into the natural environment of Bintan.


Aside from the dining establishments, swimming pools, and outdoor cinema experience, The ANMON Resort Bintan is also strategically located next to the Crystal Lagoon, the largest seawater lagoon in Southeast Asia, and other natural attractions that guests can pack their itinerary with.

For a rare, intimate encounter with Mother Nature, while enjoying the comforts of modern-day living, The ANMON Resort Bintan would be the ideal holiday destination.

10.  Things to Do in Treasure Bay Bintan During Your Stay at ANMON Resort Bintan.

water activity crystal lagoon

Being located just an hour away from Singapore by ferry, Bintan Island is a popular holiday destination for many Singaporeans looking for a beach getaway.

Pulling into the Bandar Bentan Telani (BBT) Ferry Terminal, visitors are often charmed by the enchanting sight of Bintan that greets them — the palm tree-lined beach, the crystal-clear waters, and the sprawling resorts. One of the most stunning resorts on the island is none other than The ANMON Resort Bintan. This unique resort presents visitors with a distinguished experience like no other, an experience that is filled with adventure and wonder. One feature that makes The ANMON Resort Bintan stand out from the plentiful resorts that Bintan Island has to offer is a modern glamping experience that blends nature with urban living. From living in a teepee-style tent that is fully decked out with contemporary necessities to falling asleep beneath a sea of twinkling stars and taking part in numerous fun-filled activities, this resort features a multitude of experiences to guide visitors on their journey to self-fulfillment.

best glamping resort in bintan

The property spans over 20,000 square meters and features 100 deluxe teepee-style glamping tents, designed with the modern traveler in mind with open spaces to wander about on the premises and an enclosed patio in each tent for privacy.

The ANMON Resort Bintan has its communal restaurant, The Compass Rose, which offers delicious local and Mediterranean-inspired cuisines on its breakfast, lunch, and dinner menus. Just across the lobby is the Tipi Bar, an open-concept bar that is well-stocked with a wide selection of drinks, and crewed by talented, award-winning mixologists who craft specially curated cocktails and mocktails.

Guests will find themselves with lots to do in and around the resort with a whole host of day and night activities available. If you are into water sports, there are activities like the Slip & Slide, Cable Tube, Wakeboarding, and Lagoon Kayaking that you can try out in the Crystal Lagoon, the largest seawater lagoon in Southeast Asia.

If you don’t mind getting a little dirty, try riding the ATV through jungle dirt trails! At night, other than winding down at the Tipi Bar, you can also enjoy a film screening at the outdoor cinema of The ANMON Resort Bintan or enjoy a tent-side BBQ under the stars, with a private BBQ chef!

For guests staying at The ANMON Resort Bintan, we have compiled a list of fun activities that you may explore around the area at Treasure Bay Bintan.

Segway Adventure

Wheeler Personal Transportation ata best resort in bintan

Berkeliling di Crystal Lagoon dan resor terbaik di bintan dengan kendaraan roda 2 paling keren, yang diperlukan hanyalah sedikit tutorial dan Anda akan segera melaju.

ATV Off-Road Trailatv-off-road-treasure-bay

ATV riding is a fun-filled experience unlike any other. For the thrill-seeker, hop onto these all-terrain vehicles and rough it out through a private jungle trail.

Petualangan Tur Malam di Hutan Bakau


Adventure Mangrove Night Tour at best resort in bintan

Nikmati tarian kunang-kunang saat mereka berkedip-kedip di lingkungan bakau yang terlihat magis saat gelap. Sangat direkomendasikan bagi kaum kota untuk mengalami salah satu keajaiban alam dari dekat.

Bumper BoatBumper Boat at best resort in bintan

Most of us have played bumper cars but have you tried the activity…in a boat? Get ready for a splashing fun time in the water with a motorized bumper boat. The inflatable boat can be steered using a wheel and is equipped with a water cannon that is operated with an easy-to-use foot pump. Have a whale of a time water-tagging your friends in this super fun activity!

Chill Cove Wake ParkChill Cove Wake Park at best resort in bintan

Chill Cove Wake Park has two separate installations of System 2.0 wake park systems from Sesitec Gmbh. Participants can wakeboard, waterski, and kneeboard within the Crystal Lagoon without worrying about getting wiped out by waves like in an open sea, making it a great activity even for beginners.

Classic Car Fun RideClassic Car Fun Ride at best resort in bintan

Cocok untuk keluarga, nikmati perjalanan buggy Ford klasik di sekitar Crystal Lagoon. Anda dapat memilih untuk turun di berbagai titik untuk berjalan-jalan sebelum kembali lagi.

Electric Scooterelectric-scooter-treasure-bay

Berkendara mengelilingi Chill Cove dengan salah satu skuter listrik yang keren ini. Mereka membuat alat peraga yang sempurna untuk foto liburan yang sangat berharga.

Inflatable Kayak

Inflatable Kayak at best resort in bintan

Ever wanted to try kayaking in a safe environment? At the Crystal Lagoon, there are single and double kayaks available for beginners who would like to give this sport a go without the influence of ocean waves and currents. It is a not-to-be-missed activity for those who are interested in trying out a new water sports activity while paddling around the lagoon.

JetovatorJetovator at best resort in bintan

One of the most exciting aerial water activities, the Jetovator is a water sports accessory that redirects water thrust to propel and elevate riders into mid-air. Fight your fear of heights and enjoy the experience of jetting above the waters!

Mangrove Kayaking Tour


mangrove kayaking tour bintan

Together with our experienced guides, paddle along the coast and enter the lush mangrove forests of Bintan. Appreciate the wonders of nature against a backdrop of endless greenery and learn about the amazing works of Earth’s ecology. With eco-friendly kayaks, dewy fresh air, and a forest teeming with great wildlife, this kayaking tour is sure to rekindle your connection to nature.

Mangrove Pontoon Cruise

Mangrove Pontoon Cruise at best resort in bintan

Jelajahi hutan mangrove yang mempesona dengan pelayaran santai di atas kapal ponton yang dibangun khusus, dengan kapasitas maksimum 26 penumpang. Tangkap satwa liar (hanya dengan kamera Anda, silakan!), Berjemur dalam ketenangan hutan bakau, jelajahi matahari terbenam dengan orang yang Anda cintai. Keterbatasan hanya ada dalam imajinasi kita.

Mini Electric ATV

Mini Electric ATV at best resort in bintan

Nyalakan percikan petualangan pada anak-anak Anda. Biarkan mereka naik satu mini electric ATV dan mengalami sensasi mengendarai ATV mini mereka sendiri di sepanjang Crystal Lagoon.


jetski bintan

Jet Skiing adalah salah satu kegiatan paling mendebarkan dan populer yang kami tawarkan. Kami merekomendasikan aktivitas ini untuk mereka yang suka bergerak cepat dan mencoba aktivitas baru. Jangan lupa memakai sunblock!

Rodeo BullRodeo Bull at best resort in bintan

Memanggil semua koboi atau cowgirl di Chill Cove! Ini adalah kesempatan Anda untuk menunjukkan keberanian Anda melalui tradisi berkuda. Menyenangkan namun menantang, dibutuhkan lebih dari sekadar keberuntungan untuk tetap di atas. Mulailah mengasah keterampilan Anda sekarang untuk menjadi penunggang banteng Chill Cove!

Slip & SlideSlide at best resort in bintan

Feel the thrill of sliding down a giant slide and plunging into the clear blue waters of the Crystal Lagoon! With an imposing height of 7.5 meters, this is not for the faint of heart. However, there are smaller slides for those with a fear of heights.

Stand-Up PaddleStand-Up Paddle at best resort in Bintan

Stand-up paddling is a safe water activity suitable for people of all ages. If you’re new to stand-up paddling, you’ll be introduced to the skills you need to enjoy the experience by certified instructors. The instructors will walk you through techniques and tips on how to keep your balance so that by the end of the crash course, you should be able to paddle without much assistance. Each board can hold up to two people at a time and this is one of the best ways to enjoy the sights around the Crystal Lagoon.

UTV Off-Road Trail (2-seater)UTV Off-Road Trail (2-seater)

Ikuti perjalanan yang super liar! Langsung ke UTV kami, jelajahi hutan pribadi kami dan rasakan kegembiraan kecepatan dan deru mesin.

Water Sports Park at Best Resort In BintanWater Sports Park at best resort in bintan

Spanning an area of 40 meters by 30 meters, the inflatable structure of this attraction holds up to 40 people at any one time and serves as an obstacle course for sporting events, corporate team-building, or just a place for everyone, including kids, to hang out and some guaranteed splashing fun.

Water TricycleWater Tricycle at best resort in bintan

Sangat cocok untuk anak-anak dan orang dewasa, becak air adalah kegiatan air yang sempurna bagi keluarga untuk menjelajahi seluruh Crystal Lagoon dengan santai.

Water ZOVBWater ZOVB at best resort inbintan

Alami kegembiraan berjalan di atas air dalam bola yang bening dan halus, sebuah aktivitas yang pastinya akan menjadi fitur yang menarik perhatian banyak orang.

Wishing Sky LanternWishing Sky Lantern at best resort in bintan

Tulis keinginan Anda dan biarkan lentera langit memberkati Anda dengan keberuntungan dan menghanyutkan kekhawatiran Anda.

Bon FireBonFire at best resot in bintan

Berkumpul, memetik gitar dan bernyanyi bersama untuk lagu api unggun yang selalu abadi, BonFire adalah kegiatan yang tepat untuk kelompok keluarga besar, liburan kelompok, dan sesi team-building. Makanan dan minuman tersedia berdasarkan permintaan.

Anda dapat memesan semua aktivitas melalui situs web.

11. The ANMON Resort Bintan is One of the Most Instagrammable Resorts in Bintan


Instagrammable Resort near singapore

In recent years, there has been a rising trend of tourists prioritizing the “Instagrammability” of a place when it comes to picking their next travel destination. Instagrammability relies heavily on the aesthetics of the location or the pictureworthiness of a particular place. Given that Instagram is ranked as the fourth most used social media platform worldwide with 1.386 billion people using it every month, it is no surprise that the platform has shaped the way people — especially millennials — travel. People now use Instagram as a source of travel inspiration and often, they feel the need to impress their peers.

With this new trend in travel, many resorts are leveraging this to promote their resorts as Instagrammable holiday spots by having a curated feed on their social media pages to appeal to their target audience.

In Indonesia, one of the most Instagrammable places happens to be located only an hour’s ferry ride from Singapore. Sunny tropical weather, warm turquoise waters, pristine sandy beaches, and high-end resorts…these are just a handful of what Bintan Island has to offer.

Of the many luxurious lodgings available on Bintan Island, a favorite resort amongst millennials is The ANMON Resort Bintan. Renowned for its deluxe teepee-style tents, The ANMON Resort Bintan is a desert-themed glamping resort set against a backdrop, not unlike that of a lavish desert encampment. The property is dotted with swaying palm trees, and prickly cacti and is bordered by Southeast Asia’s first and largest seawater lagoon, the Crystal Lagoon.Instagrammable Resort in Bintan

The teepee-style tents where guests are housed in are beautifully furnished with timber interiors, a comfortable modular bed, and a skylight positioned just above the bed to allow natural light to enter which is perfect for taking daytime photos. Each tent includes a private en-suite bathroom that is also decked out with timber finishings and outfitted with a full suite of sustainable toiletries and amenities.Instagrammable Resort di Bintan

Luxurious lodgings aside, The ANMON Resort Bintan has an outdoor cinema for guests to enjoy films under the stars. For a quick bite or drink, the Tipi Bar serves up a selection of unique cocktails and mocktails handcrafted by award-winning mixologists and if guests need to refuel for a day of exciting activities, The Compass Rose offers a delectable range of Mediterranean-inspired fusion cuisine. Other than the array of lounging spots available on the 20,000-square-metre property of The ANMON Resort Bintan, there is also a swimming pool, event spaces, and spa services available. In collaboration with highly acclaimed graffiti artist, Odeith, guests will also find various spots across the resort that showcase massive murals by the talented artist where many a tourist has struck a pose or two against the artsy backdrop.

tipi bar anmon

Even though there is plenty to do within the resort, guests at The ANMON Resort Bintan may even consider venturing out to explore the Crystal Lagoon where water sports such as kayaking and wakeboarding are available.

Teepee-style tents in a neutral creamy white, brightly colored murals, natural, leafy foliage, and a gorgeous desert landscape, with beauty in every corner, The ANMON Resort Bintan checks all the boxes for what it takes to be an Instagrammable resort. Best of all, the resort provides complimentary Wi-Fi for guests anywhere on the premises, enabling immediate access to your social media accounts.

12. Unwind Within Nature at the Glamping Resortunwind-within-nature-glamping-resort

Holiday experiences where tourists get to live in teepee tents have been an increasing trend in recent years, especially amongst millennials and the young at heart. Such experiences allow tourists to experience camping in an ultra-comfortable environment, also known as glamping or glamorous camping.

What is glamping?

Glamping offers an authentic camping experience in the wilderness with all of the comforts of modern-day necessities but without the hassle — a fusion between nature and luxury. Tourists seeking a glamping experience would find that it is an extraordinary and pleasant way to connect with nature while getting away from the more superficial “touristy” activities.

Many glamping resorts feature teepee tents, popularly also known as “tipi” tents. They are cone-shaped tents built using a canvas covering with a shape and design that allows their occupants to stay warm during winter and cool during summer. Modern teepee tents in glamping sites are equipped with lavish king or queen beds along with fully functioning en-suite bathrooms and air conditioners. They are also adorned with stunning décor. Be greeted by a night sky full of stars as soon as you set foot outside of the tent, or you can simply stargaze through the skylight panels that most teepee tents are fitted with.

Why glamping?

Travelers get the best of both worlds with glamping: access to nature within a starred hotel. It is a perfect way of relaxation for outdoor enthusiasts who would still like to enjoy the luxuries of hotel amenities. Waking up to the sounds of nature is not a bad way to start the day; it refreshes, rejuvenates, and sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. At night, guests will get to fall asleep beneath the beaming moon and a sky full of twinkling stars.

Menginap di The ANMON Resort Bintananmon-bintan-glamping-resort

The ANMON Resort Bintan, in particular, is one such resort that offers guests a desert-themed glamping experience. In this one-of-a-kind experience, guests will be introduced to a nomadic life amidst a desert landscape where plenty of soulful experiences await. Each teepee tent is a spacious 45 square metres that is cooled by air-conditioning and fully equipped with all the necessary, modern-day amenities for a comfortable stay, including an en-suite bathroom. The tents also feature an airy but enclosed patio where tourists may have their meals, host gatherings, or simply relax and people-watch.

With the Crystal Lagoon nearby, guests may take a dip in the lagoon or have a go at the water sports activities in the area, such as kayaking and snorkeling. For those who prefer to stay within The ANMON Resort Bintan itself, the resort offers a wide variety of activities and facilities that guests can enjoy. Often, the resort hosts Zumba and salsation sessions conducted by in-house instructors and if guests are at the resort during festivities such as Christmas, Chinese New Year, and even Halloween, there would be a special lineup of fun activities. Movie nights at The ANMON Resort Bintan is an unconventional affair with screenings held outdoors beneath the wide-open sky. Guests are welcome to enjoy a tent-side BBQ under the stars or choose to have their meals at The Compass Rose restaurant, where Mediterranean-inspired fusion cuisine is served. Those who fancy a drink may swing by the Tipi Bar where award-winning mixologists whip up handcrafted cocktails and mocktail concoctions.anmon-glamping-resort-bintan

Fun activities and soulful experiences aside, The ANMON Resort Bintan provides guests with a genuine nomadic adventure that will take them along a journey of self-discovery. And what better way to connect with ourselves and nature whilst remaining in relative comfort than a glamping experience?

13. Travelling From Singapore to Bintantrip-to-bintan

For those looking to make a trip to Bintan Island, this guide will take you through everything you need to know to get here.

Changi Airport 🡪 Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal (TMFT) 🡪 Bandar Bentan Telani Ferry Terminal (BBT)

For international guests, the easiest way to get to Bintan Island is via Singapore. The trip from Singapore to Bintan Island takes about 90 minutes.

From Changi Airport to Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal (TMFT)

For international guests traveling through Singapore Changi Airport, a taxi service is available at any of the terminals at Changi Airport. Getting to Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal from Changi Airport by taxi is pretty quick — it will only take approximately 15 minutes, depending on traffic conditions.

Other than a taxi, tourists can also get to Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal via the Mass Rapid Transport (MRT) Train Service, followed by a bus transfer:

  • From Changi Airport MRT Station, take the train on the East-West Line to Tanah Merah MRT Station
  • Upon alighting at Tanah Merah MRT station, exit the train station via Exit B and proceed to Bus Stop 85091 (Tanah Merah Stn Exit B)
  • Board SBS Transit Bus Service 35 and alight at Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal

*For international guests traveling through Singapore Changi Airport, Changi Airport MRT Station is at the basement of Terminals 2 and 3, individuals arriving at Terminal 1 are required to take the Sky Train towards either Terminal 2 or 3.

From Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal (TMFT) to Bandar Bentan Telani Ferry Terminal (BBT)

Bintan Resorts Ferries is a regular ferry service that plies between Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal, Singapore, and Bandar Bentan Telani Ferry Terminal, Bintan Resorts daily. The high-speed catamaran ferry ride brings you to Bintan Resorts in only 60 minutes.

Ferry tickets can be booked online via Bintan Resort Ferries at Visitors can also purchase their ferry tickets at the ferry terminal. Cash and card payments are accepted over the Bintan Resort Ferries Counter.

Things to note:

  • Bintan, Indonesia is 1 hour behind Singapore
  • Please check in at least 1.5 hours before the ferry departure time
  • Optional purchase of AIG travel insurance (Bintan) is available via the Bintan Resort Ferries website

Complimentary transfer services to The ANMON Resort Bintan are available from Bandar Bentan Telani Ferry Terminal. To inform us of the timing for your ferry’s arrival, write to us at

When you depart from The ANMON Resort Bintan, we also provide shuttle bus services to Bandar Bentan Telani Ferry Terminal, which takes you to the terminal 1 hour before your ferry’s departure time.

For travelers that are looking to host big groups, or private charters from and/or to Singapore, it can be arranged with Bintan Resort Ferries. Simply reach out to them at:

  •  Tel: +65 6661 0230
    ●    Email:

Apakah kamu butuh visa untuk mengunjungi Bintan?do you need a visa to go to bintan?

To travel to Bintan, you will need to have a visa and passport with more than six months of validity from the date of travel. Luckily, Indonesia now issues special Short Visit Visa permits to nationalities of up to 169 countries, including Singapore. This special-issued Visa will now allow you to have a day trip to Bintan and is valid for 30 days.

Is Bintan worth a visit?


Famous for its luxury resorts, there is an impression that a trip to Bintan can rack up quite a fee. With most of the resorts in Bintan being in the more high-end range as well as its proximity to Singapore, the cost of accommodation on Bintan can indeed be quite expensive.

However, there are still many resorts on the island that are priced more affordably yet maintain an excellent level of hospitality and state-of-the-art facilities, of which, one is The ANMON Resort Bintan.

Bintan Island is also a melting pot of cultures and cuisines with many restaurants and food centers serving a variety of high-quality food items that are priced reasonably. When visiting Bintan, be prepared to tantalize your tastebuds with flavors and cuisines that you won’t soon forget.

Overall, Bintan offers a peacefulness that you cannot get anywhere else. Not only do the deluxe resorts and bungalows offer guests a taste of luxury, but also the experience of being so removed from the superficial world that guests get to properly disconnect and recharge.

Video Perjalanan Ke Bintan Dari Singapura

14. Travelling to Bintan From Jakartatrip to anmon glamping resort

Bintan can be visited from all over Indonesia by air or via Batam by ferry. Here are some ways you may get to Bintan Island from Indonesia:

From Soekarno Hatta Airport (Jakarta) to Raja Haji Fisabilillah Bintan

Domestic flights to Bintan Island are also available within Indonesia. Visitors can choose to take a domestic flight to Raja Haji Fisabilillah Airport in Kijang, Bintan Island from Jakarta, Pekanbaru, Matak, Batam, Dabo Singkep, or Natuna.

Land transport from Raja Haji Fisabilillah Airport to The ANMON Resort Bintan is about 80 minutes. Taxi service is available at the airport. Likewise, travelers who are looking to host big groups can contact us at for transportation to The ANMON Resort Bintan.

Soekarno Hatta Airport 🡪 Hang Nadim Airport 🡪 Punggur Ferry Terminal 🡪 Tanjung Uban Ferry Terminal

The trip takes about 2 – 3 hours from Jakarta to Bintan.

Hang Nadim Airport Batam 🡪 Punggur Ferry Terminal Batam

For guests traveling through Hang Nadim Airport, taxi service is available at any of Hang Nadim Airport’s terminals. The taxi ride takes approximately 30 minutes, depending on the traffic conditions.

Punggur Ferry Terminal Batam 🡪 Tanjung Uban Ferry Terminal

For guests traveling through Punggur Ferry Terminal Batam, there are two kinds of transportation to Bintan, ferry and speedboat.

Ferry (roro)

Ferry services are available daily from 8 am – 5.30 pm with an interval of 1 hour 15 minutes. The ride takes about 60 minutes.


Speedboat is much faster than the ferry and takes about 15 minutes from Punggur (Batam) to Tanjung Uban (Bintan). Services are available daily from 7 am – 6 pm.

Once you arrive at Tanjung Uban Ferry Terminal, you can hop on a taxi to take you to The ANMON Resort Bintan. Taxi rides usually take about 45 minutes and with taxis being readily available at the terminal, visitors should have no issues finding one easily.

See you soon at The ANMON Resort Bintan.