Nature Attractions to Visit in Bintan – Near Singapore



Bintan is not only about exotic beaches and high-end resorts or world-class golf courses but there are more breathtaking natural sights all over the island worth exploring. Bintan, which is only about one one-hour ferry ride away from Singapore, really is a one-stop-for-all tourist destination. No wonder why contractors choose this island to build resorts. It truly is a paradise on Earth.

Jika Anda lebih suka pegunungan daripada pantai, misalnya, di artikel ini kami memiliki lima tempat wisata alam yang harus dikunjungi di Bintan. Apa gunanya jika Anda menghabiskan seluruh akhir pekan hanya dengan bersantai di tepi pantai?

Gurun Pasir Busung

gurun pasir busung

Even though it seems impossible to find a desert on Indonesia’s tropical island, Bintan once again mesmerizes us with its charming and unexpected beauty. Visiting Gurun Pasir Busung, hilly dunes located at Jalan Raya Busung near Tanjung Uban will make your jaw drop.

It exudes mysterious and picturesque vibes that will make feel as if you are in the middle of the Arabian night. The dunes are a dreamy insta-worthy spot but the area somehow remains untouched and charming. Bring your camera to Gurun Pasir Busung and immortalize your moment with loved ones.


Gunung Bintanmount bintan

Meski tak mungkin menemukan gurun pasir di pulau tropis Indonesia, Bintan kembali membuat kita terpesona dengan keindahannya yang menawan dan tak terduga. Mengunjungi Gurun Pasir Busung, bukit pasir berbukit yang terletak di Jalan Raya Busung dekat Tanjung Uban akan membuat Anda ternganga.

While hiking Mount Bintan, you will find yourself surrounded by a beautiful rainforest. You might spot some wild rare animals along the way such as monkeys, deer, tropical birds, and so on. There are also many seasonal tropical fruits you can find in the wild.


Danau Biru Kawal

danau kawal biru bintan

Even though Bintan is full of crystal blue seawater, visiting Danau Biru will take your breath away. The lake has surreal blue waters that are surrounded by white sandy dunes. The color contrast is already mesmerizing and stunning.

Even though Danau Biru might seem like a natural oasis, you may be surprised to learn that it was created as a result of mining activity in the region. It was once just a large crater in an abandoned mining site that was filled with rainwater over time. The area is quite secluded so you might find it peaceful coming here.


Hutan Bakau

bintan mangrove

Hutan Mangrove Bintan terletak di Sungai Sebong, Lagoi. Mulailah petualangan kembali ke alam saat Anda berayun di sepanjang hutan bakau yang lebat. Saksikan langsung alam Bintan yang subur dan hutan hujan hijau yang teduh.

The river is home to a wide variety of indigenous flora and fauna as well as wildlife such as snakes, monkeys, kingfishers, and even otters. For an extraordinary experience, journey the forests at night as it feels more serene and peaceful and you get to see the water sparkle under the pale moonlight.


The Banyan Tree Templebayan tree temple

Bersiaplah untuk merasa takjub saat mengunjungi The Banyan Tree Temple. Ini adalah candi yang dililit oleh akar dan cabang dari pohon beringin besar yang katanya berumur sekitar 200 tahun. Banyak cerita tentang asal muasal situs yang saat ini menjadi magnet bagi banyak pengunjung Bintan.

It is located at Senggarang Village and now serves as a village shrine. Witness the power of Mother Nature at The Banyan Tree Temple which now makes an appealing photography subject.


Menginap di ANMON

stay at anmon resort bintan

While in Bintan, stay at The ANMON Resort Bintan, a desert-themed glamping resort that offers both exclusivity and comfort. Rest yourself in one of their white teepee-style tents after a long day of seeking adventure thrills on the island. Find endless entertainment around the area, such as dining at The Compass Rose, dancing at night at TIPI Bar, or enjoying a movie night with your loved one in their outdoor cinema.outdoor cinema bintan