Tempat Retret Perusahaan di Bintan



Every once in a while, employees in a company also need some downtime to unwind and relax so they won’t burn out. That is when a corporate retreat takes place. For a lot of employees, corporate retreats can be dreadful. However, it also can be a surprisingly efficient motivator for companies to bond with each other. Well, it doesn’t sound that bad, right?

Coba, pertimbangkan skenario ini: membawa karyawan Anda ke lingkungan yang berbeda dan tanpa gangguan, bahkan bekerja. Retret perusahaan dapat digunakan sebagai kesempatan untuk menyatukan semua karyawan dan membuka saluran komunikasi. Retret perusahaan yang sukses dapat menginspirasi karyawan untuk membangun hubungan saling percaya, jadi ketika mereka kembali ke kantor di minggu selanjutnya, mereka tidak hanya akan merasa segar tetapi mereka juga dapat bercanda dengan satu sama lain.

Langkah pertama merencanakan retret perusahaan yang sempurna adalah memilih tempat yang ideal. Tidak harus boros, tetapi Anda harus memastikan bahwa tempat yang Anda pilih dapat mengakomodasi jumlah orang yang akan hadir. Sedikit tip: Anda dapat melibatkan karyawan Anda dalam proses memilih tempat. Misalnya, Anda dapat memilih dua atau tiga tempat dan membiarkan karyawan Anda membuat pilihan terakhir.

Have you been thinking of organizing a corporate retreat? Are you in trouble for picking the right and ideal venue to hold your corporate retreat? Luckily, there are numerous corporate retreat venues near Singapore. One of them is The ANMON Resort Bintan, whose facilities have been specially designed to create a one-of-a-kind experience.

event domes

This glamping-themed resort is the perfect place for you to hold an exciting yet meaningful corporate retreat, both for the benefit of your company and the well-being of your employees. Whether you are brainstorming for a new business strategy, negotiating a partnership, or just for the sake of building a cohesive, ANMON is the place to be!


Anyway, a Bintan corporate retreat can never go wrong. ANMON, the perfect company retreat location near Singapore, is equipped with two event domes that are specifically preserved to create the incredible moments you’ve always wanted with your loved ones.


Semua fasilitas di ANMON adalah impian untuk mengadakan retret perusahaan Singapura. Selain event dome, karyawan Anda akan bermalam di tenda teepee ANMON yang luas. Apa yang lebih baik daripada menghabiskan hari menciptakan koneksi dengan rekan kantor Anda dan mengakhirinya di kamar hotel paling nyaman? Nah, teepee di ANMON dilengkapi dengan kamar mandi pribadi en-suite dan teras tertutup yang mewah.


Guests will be spoiled with the highest standard of quality service. Your company can feast at ANMON’s signature onsite restaurant, The Compass Rose, which serves local and fusion Mediterranean-inspired cuisine. Fancy a little part at night? Head over to the TIPI Bar. This lavish and open bar features a delectable selection of unique cocktails curated by their award-winning mixologist. This experience will be the greatest Singapore corporate retreat ever!

tipi bar anmon

The journey to the land of ANMON only takes an hour’s ferry ride from Singapore. Once your company arrives at ANMON, they will be greeted by wind blowing gently and clear white sands, as if they are taken to a magical desert. Other than going for the corporate retreat, your employees can also enjoy many activities in ANMON, such as watching outdoor cinema at night or going on adventures at Treasure Bay Bintan. Your choice!
