getting to anmon from singapore


The ANMON Resort Bintan

Udara, darat, laut. Lakukan perjalanan ke ANMON melalui udara, melintasi daratan, atau melalui lautan.

Menuju ANMON (Dari Singapore)

Dari Singapore, naik feri dari Terminal Feri Tanah Merah ke Terminal Feri Bandar Bentan Telani.

Untuk informasi pemesanan, Klik Disini.

Layanan antar-jemput antara Bandara Changi Singapura ke Terminal Feri Bandar Bentan Telani saat ini ditangguhkan. Klik Disini untuk tetap mendapat informasi terkini tentang pengaturan transfer.

Layanan transfer gratis ke ANMON tersedia dari Terminal Feri Bandar Bentan Telani. Untuk memberi tahu kami tentang waktu kedatangan feri Anda, hubungi kami di

Meninggalkan ANMON (Menuju Singapore)

ANMON juga menyediakan layanan antar-jemput ke Terminal Feri Bandar Bentan Telani, yang berangkat satu jam sebelum jadwal keberangkatan feri Anda.

Jika Anda mengunjungi ANMON melalui kota-kota lain di Indonesia, Klik Disini untuk informasi selengkapnya.



Air, land, sea. Journey to the land of ANMON through the skies, traversing the lands, or through a voyage by sea.


Air, land, sea. Journey to the land of ANMON through the skies, traversing the lands, or through a voyage by sea.

Getting to ANMON From Singapore

From Singapore, board the ferry from Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal to Bandar Bentan Telani Ferry Terminal.

For Ferry Booking, Click here.

Shuttle service between Singapore Changi Airport to Bandar Bentan Telani Ferry Terminal is currently suspended. Click here to stay updated on transfer arrangements.

Complimentary transfer services to ANMON are available from Bandar Bentan Telani Ferry Terminal. To inform us of the timing for your ferry’s arrival, write in to us at

Departing ANMON (To Singapore)

ANMON also provides shuttle services to Bandar Bentan Telani Ferry Terminal, which depart one hour prior to your ferry’s departure timing.

If you are visiting ANMON via other cities in Indonesia, click here for more information.