Crystal Lagoon – Bintan’s Most Treasured Gem



Berwisata ke Bintan belum lengkap rasanya jika belum mengunjungi Treasure Bay Bintan. Ini adalah kota pariwisata terintegrasi di atas lahan seluas 338 hektar. Proyek ambisius ini rencananya akan menggelar banyak atraksi bagi wisatawan. Seperti kita ketahui bersama, Bintan dengan cepat berkembang menjadi tujuan wisata terpenting di Indonesia karena pantainya yang eksotis dan letaknya yang dekat dengan Singapura.

Treasure Bay Bintan is intended to have many “first in Asia” projects, including the first largest seawater lagoon, the Crystal Lagoon. The visually stunning Crystal Lagoon, with its clear blue waters, is a state-of-the-art recreational lagoon that can host an extensive range of sporting activities such as kayaking, swimming, and wakeboarding. Such diverse activities would be suitable for people of all ages.

Apa yang menarik wisatawan ke Crystal Lagoon?

Area yang Luas

masive area crystal lagoon

White sands and crystal-clear waters, the Crystal Lagoon Bintan stretches 6.3 hectares and is a wonder to behold. The lagoon features calm, seawater which has gone through a filtering process to provide perfect water conditions all year long. With a measurement of 800 meters from one end to another, the surface area of Crystal Lagoon is equivalent to 50 Olympic-size swimming pools. With such an expansive area, recreational and water sports activities can be comfortably accommodated at the Crystal Lagoon to entertain guests.

Ramah Lingkungan

susaunable crystal lagoon

Crystal Lagoon Bintan was constructed with a patented eco-friendly technology that is sustainable and safe for the environment. This technology has enabled limited resources such as water and energy, to be used more efficiently, allowing for a more sustainable operation of the lagoon. It only consumes a mere 2% of the energy required by other conventional filtration pools! By employing the use of such state-of-the-art technology, Crystal Lagoon maintains its stunning turquoise waters all year round to offer an incredibly beautiful beach view for visitors.

Cocok Untuk Keluarga

for family

If you are bringing children, there is a floating playground that offers endless adventures for the little ones. With experienced staff stationed around the lagoon to make sure that children are playing safely, parents may have peace of mind. Not only that, the gorgeous turquoise hue of the sparkling waters at Crystal Lagoon Bintan is also a perfect backdrop for capturing special moments for your photobook or Instagram.

Dikelilingi Resort Kelas Dunia

surrounded by world class resort

As the icing on the cake, the area around Crystal Lagoon Bintan is surrounded by accommodation for tourists. After reveling in fun water sports activities or dipping your toes in the lagoon, head back to your resort which is just steps away.

Hungry after a swim? You will be happy to discover that there are a good deal of restaurants with myriad cuisines surrounding the lagoon such as The Compass Rose, Patio, and others.

Menginap Di ANMONstay at anmon

If you wish to spend your holiday in Bintan, especially around the Treasure Bay area, why not pick The ANMON Resort Bintan as your choice of accommodation? The ANMON Resort Bintan is a desert-inspired glamping resort that will allow you to have the most authentic retreat experience during your stay.

stay at anmon

This self-contained resort offers extensive facilities that will revitalize the mind, body, and spirit of its visitors. Guests will find themselves treated to modern comfort inside a soft-white teepee tent with an en-suite bathroom that will guarantee an exquisite and wonderful stay. On top of that, The ANMON Resort Bintan is a hop, skip, and jump away from the Crystal Lagoon.

stay at anmon